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HomeAircraft-Plastic ✈ Douglas B-26K Counter Invader


Plastic model of the Douglas B-26K Counter Invader attack aircraft from 1969 - photo No. 1 Plastic model of the Douglas B-26K Counter Invader attack aircraft from 1969 - photo No. 2 Plastic model of the Douglas B-26K Counter Invader attack aircraft from 1969 - photo No. 3 Plastic model of the Douglas B-26K Counter Invader attack aircraft from 1969 - photo No. 4 Plastic model of the Douglas B-26K Counter Invader attack aircraft from 1969 - photo No. 5 Plastic model of the Douglas B-26K Counter Invader attack aircraft from 1969 - photo No. 6 Plastic model of the Douglas B-26K Counter Invader attack aircraft from 1969 - photo No. 7 Plastic model of the Douglas B-26K Counter Invader attack aircraft from 1969 - photo No. 8 Plastic model of the Douglas B-26K Counter Invader attack aircraft from 1969 - photo No. 9 Plastic model of the Douglas B-26K Counter Invader attack aircraft from 1969 - photo No. 10 Plastic model of the Douglas B-26K Counter Invader attack aircraft from 1969 - photo No. 11 Plastic model of the Douglas B-26K Counter Invader attack aircraft from 1969 - photo No. 12 Plastic model of the Douglas B-26K Counter Invader attack aircraft from 1969 - photo No. 13 Plastic model of the Douglas B-26K Counter Invader attack aircraft from 1969 - photo No. 14

Plastic model of the Douglas B-26K Counter Invader attack aircraft

The photos show the plastic model of the Douglas B-26K Counter Invader attack aircraft from 1969. In the same year, these planes were finally withdrawn from service.

The model was assembled in 1:72 scale from the Italeri kit and enriched with resin and photo-etched parts from the Quickboost, CMK and Eduard firms.

Some parts of the model such as flaps, ailerons, rudder and elevators were cut out and corrected by the modeller and set in the tilted position. The machine guns and their cover in the aircraft's nose were made from scratch.

The plane first flew in 1942. Its first designation was A-26, and B-26 from 1948.

The planes was being built in two versions:

  • Ground attack aircraft, which had 8 12.7 mm machine guns in the front part of the fuselage,
  • Light bomber, with a glazed cockpit instead of machine guns.

The B-26K plane was a highly improved version of the old aircraft. Its characteristic feature were fuel tanks at the wingtips. He served in Southeast Asia from 1966 to 1969.

Some technical data:

  • Maximum speed: 520 km/h (323 mph),
  • Length: 15.98 m (52.43 ft),
  • Wingspan: 21.79 m (71.49 ft),
  • Height: 5.79 m (19 ft),
  • Maximum weight: 17,379 kg (38,314 lb),
  • Range: 4,345 km (2,700 mi),
  • Ceiling: 9,144 m (30,000 ft).



4 Dec 2023

Modeller: Jacek Minich

Photographer: Ender

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