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HomeDioramas ✈ Kopychyntsi Railway Station


The WW2 Kopychyntsi railway station diorama - photo no 1 The WW2 Kopychyntsi railway station diorama - photo no 2 The WW2 Kopychyntsi railway station diorama - photo no 3 The WW2 Kopychyntsi railway station diorama - photo no 4 The WW2 Kopychyntsi railway station diorama - photo no 5 The WW2 Kopychyntsi railway station diorama - photo no 6 The WW2 Kopychyntsi railway station diorama - photo no 7 The WW2 Kopychyntsi railway station diorama - photo no 8 The WW2 Kopychyntsi railway station diorama - photo no 9 The WW2 Kopychyntsi railway station diorama - photo no 10 The WW2 Kopychyntsi railway station diorama - photo no 11 The WW2 Kopychyntsi railway station diorama - photo no 12 The WW2 Kopychyntsi railway station diorama - photo no 13 The WW2 Kopychyntsi railway station diorama - photo no 14 The WW2 Kopychyntsi railway station diorama - photo no 15 The WW2 Kopychyntsi railway station diorama - photo no 16 The WW2 Kopychyntsi railway station diorama - photo no 17 The WW2 Kopychyntsi railway station diorama - photo no 18 The WW2 Kopychyntsi railway station diorama - photo no 19 The WW2 Kopychyntsi railway station diorama - photo no 20 The WW2 Kopychyntsi railway station diorama - photo no 21

The Kopychyntsi railway station diorama

The diorama represents a scene from the Second World War invented by the modeller. However, a photograph taken in Ukraine in Kopychyntsi was the inspiration for its creation. The photo shows an incomplete Tiger tank placed on a railway wagon, and behind them you can see a part of the station building.

The diorama was made in the 1:35 scale and has quite large dimensions, which are 96 cm by 51 cm (37.8 in by 20.1 in). That's why it was difficult to fit its into the frame.

Despite the large area, each fragment was made very carefully. Some of the plants on the diorama originate from the modeller's garden. The ivy that climbs the wall of the station building is hand-painted photo-etched plates from the Aber kit.

The plastic model of the BR 52 locomotive was made from the Trumpeter set, while the remaining models were from the Dragon.

On the railway wagons there are plastic models of the aforementioned Tiger tank, the Nashorn self-propelled gun, and the Merder II self-propelled gun on the last wagon.

18 Jun 2021

Modeller: Artur Stańczyk

Photographer: Ender

These photos are available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International license. This means that you can use them for free for any purpose, even for commercial purposes, as long as you indicate the author of the photos and the link to the source, i.e. the website address from which they were taken. You must also provide the license name and a link to its terms and conditions.

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