Plastic model of the FL 282 Kolibri helicopter built from the kit of the Ukrainian MiniArt Models company in a 1:35 scale.

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Diorama titled Where is Ivan? Photo no 1. Diorama titled Where is Ivan? Photo no 2. Diorama titled Where is Ivan? Photo no 3. Diorama titled Where is Ivan? Photo no 4. Diorama titled Where is Ivan? Photo no 5. Diorama titled Where is Ivan? Photo no 6. Diorama titled Where is Ivan? Photo no 7. Diorama titled Where is Ivan? Photo no 8. Diorama titled Where is Ivan? Photo no 9. Diorama titled Where is Ivan? Photo no 10.

Where is Ivan?

Diorama "Where's Ivan?" was made in 1: 35 scale and shows a scene from the Eastern Front in 1944 (German army in the Ukrainian countryside). The work was presented at the 11th International Festival of Plastic Reduction Models Bytom 2014.

The Eastern Front was created during the Second World War by Operation Barbarossa. TakiThis was the code name of the German attack on the Soviet Union, which began on June 22, 1941. The Eastern Front existed practically until the end of the war, i.e. until May 8, 1945, and covered a large part of the European territory of the Soviet Union. The front line ran roughly along the Leningrad-Moscow-Stalingrad line (Leningrad is today's St. Petersburg and Stalingrad is Volgograd).

The Eastern Front was more cruel than the fighting in other parts of Europe. Both sides of the conflict murdered prisoners of war and civilians. The cold climate was also difficult for people. Severe frost caused the death of a significant number of soldiers. The diorama shows one more truth about the Eastern Front. Mud was another enemy of the Germans and their allies. The Russian equipment performed much better in the muddy terrain. The reputation of this theater of operations was so bad that a frequent punishment used in the German army was sending to the Eastern Front.

The largest tank battle in the history of the world took place on the eastern front, on May 12, 1943 near Prokhorovka. 1,200 tanks took part in it.



19 Mar 2014

Modeller: no data

Photographer: Ender

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