Plastic model of the FL 282 Kolibri helicopter built from the kit of the Ukrainian MiniArt Models company in a 1:35 scale.

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HomeFigurines ✈ Knight


A figure of a knight in chain mail and with elements of plate armor - photo no 1. A figure of a knight in chain mail and with elements of plate armor - photo no 2. A figure of a knight in chain mail and with elements of plate armor - photo no 3. A figure of a knight in chain mail and with elements of plate armor - photo no 4. A figure of a knight in chain mail and with elements of plate armor - photo no 5. A figure of a knight in chain mail and with elements of plate armor - photo no 6.


A figurine entitled "Knight" was made in 1:18 scale. The work received a distinction at the 12th International Festival of Plastic Reduction Models Bytom 2014.

The knight, whose figurine is presented in the photo, is wearing plate armor. The plates of such armor had a thickness of 1 to 3 mm (0.04-0.12 in). The weight of its was about 25 kg (55 lb).

There was chain mail under the plate armor. It was consisted of several thousand steel wheels connected to each other. These wheels were usually 5 to 15 mm (⅕-⅗ in) in diameter. Each circle was connected with several neighbor circles. A single circle was being made of wire in such a way that was being wound on a rod of appropriate diameter. The ends of the wire were being flatten and riveted or welded. The weight of chain mail covering the whole body did not exceed 13 kg (28⅔ lb), but only a rich knight could afford to buy it.

Our knight almost certainly wore a gambeson under the chain mail, i.e. quilted clothes, probably made of thick felt. The gambeson's task was to absorb the energy of the blows.

Another knight's attribute was the sword. The length of one-handed swords ranged from 85 to 106 cm (33½-41¾ in). If our knight holds a sword designed to fight an opponent in plate armor (in the shape of a wedge used to pierce sheet metal ), his weapon probably weighs between 2 kg and 2.5 kg (4⅖-5½ in). Such swords were not used very often. His sword is probably thinner and has a cutting edge, so it weighs from 1 kg to 1.5 kg (2⅕-3⅓ lb).


  • zbroi sredniowiecznych. Zbroje a mechanika

11 Apr 2014

Modeller: no data

Photographer: Ender

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