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Plastic model of the FL 282 Kolibri helicopter built from the kit of the Ukrainian MiniArt Models company in a 1:35 scale. The plastic model of the USS Intrepid aircraft carrier. Diorama with a plastic model of the Sherman Firefly tank. Scale plastic model of the OV-10 Bronco aircraft from the VAL-4 Black Ponies squadron - Vietnam 1969. Diorama with plastic models of Sherman Firefly and Jagdpanther showing a scene from World War II invented by the modeller. The photos show a scale plastic model of the American AC-47 Spooky air support aircraft from the Vietnam War period. The photos show a scale plastic model of the C-7A Caribou cargo airplane. Plastic model of the American single-seat F-8E Crusader carrier-based fighter aircraft assembled on a 1:72 scale. The model represents the F-8E aircraft from times of the Vietnam War. Scale plastic model of the AH-1G Cobra attack helicopter. Plastic model of the American Bell UH-1V helicopter built on a 1:72 scale based on photos taken at the National Vietnam War Museum in Orlando, Florida, USA. Plastic model of the Douglas A-4B Skyhawk aircraft The figure of the Deputy Betty made of resin in a scale of 75 mm from a kit by Michael Kontraros Collectibles. Photos show the diorama showing a destroyed Panzer IV standing on the outskirts of Tobruk in 1941. Photos show the diorama featuring a group of German paratroopers moves somewhere through Belgium in 1944. Photos show the diorama with a plastic model of the American UH-1 B Huey helicopter. Plastic model of the Douglas B-26K Counter Invader attack aircraft from 1969 Photos shows the Ardennes Offensive 1944 diorama being made in scale 1:35. The diorama includes two plastic models of German vehicles: Grille Ausf. H and Sd.Kfz. 251 Ausf.D. A plastic model of the American Douglas TBD-1A Devastator torpedo bomber

Already 100 models in the Gallery

You can presently see photos of one hundred different models in the Online Model Gallery. The hundredth exhibit is a plastic replica of the Yamaha XV1000 Virago motorcycle that was added today.

The website has been in existence for 4 and a half years. I realise that for such a period of time, 100 models are not many. At the beginning, I expected that I would be able to post them on the websites faster, but work and family responsibilities push my hobbies to the background.

However, I believe it will take less time to post another 100 models.

19 Dec 2017

Exhibition in Świdnik

Yesterday I visited the annual exhibition of models in Świdnik, near Lublin. In spite of the fact that I am a supporter of plastic models, this year, just like last year, I was more impressed by the exhibition of paper models. Among them, there were more representatives of ship models than a year ago, including a few really masterfully crafted. I mean the following ship models: HMS "Lion", the German battlecruiser "Hindenburg" from 1917, SMS "Seydlitz", the Japanese "Isuzu", or the smaller but equally interesting patrol boat ORP "Minor". Unfortunately, all of them were placed in showcases, which does not guarantee good quality photos, so I could only look at them.

Cardboard ship models.

The military themes dominate in model making, so it was a nice surprise to see a replica of a fishing vessel among warships. It was the "Regulus" trawler, a well-made paper model with lots of details, so its gallery should be interesting.

Among the tanks, I spotted and photographed two interesting replicas, also paper ones. These were "Crusader" and "Cromwell" mini tanks, made in 1:25 scale.

Among the plastic models of airplanes, I found "Orlik", which was made, as the plate informed, according to own design. I decided that it would be worth creating for it a new tab "From scratch", in the "Aviation" section.

An additional attraction at the exhibition in Świdnik was the presentation of five old WSK motorcycles that used to be produced in that city. Among them, there was a model called "Dudek", distinguished by its silhouette among other WSK motorcycles. I remember how I felt when I saw it on the street a long time ago: a cool bike, were it not for its name.

An additional attraction at the exhibition in Świdnik. One of the old WSK motorcycles.

I will try to show the exhibits photographed at this exhibition as soon as possible. However, for several months I have been supplementing the entries of models already shown in the Gallery. Therefore, the pace of posting new photos has slowed down. I suppose I will have dealt with it by the holidays. Then, the new photos will begin to appear faster, as I have a significant supply of them waiting in the computer. Moreover, photos of models sent via the Internet have priority.

You are welcome to browse the Gallery. All the best for all modellers and model makers and DIY enthusiasts, especially those who visit these sites regularly.

1 May 2016

10th Lublin Model Meetings

The Lublin event took place on October 17 and 18, this time in Rev. Jan Twardowski Junior High School No. 10, which was one of the organizers. The other main organizers are the Reduction Model Making Club ZTS Lublin and LKMD - Lublin Model Making Discussion Club (

We could see a total of 365 models at the exhibition. Plastic models prevailed. There were lot of items to watch, including many interesting replicas. There wasn't so much time to photograph everything. I chose the Skytruck model, which was noticeable from a distance and looked beautiful at a short distance. I hope that I was able to show it in my pictures. I also have photos of another Antek model (An-2), which this time will appear in the paper model tab. I also added photos of four interesting figurines to my photo collection.

In the part of the exhibition, where plastic models were presented, I found two wonderfully made replicas of antique fire trucks. Later, when I was looking at these photos, I thought that it would be worth creating a separate tab presenting models of fire trucks. Due to the fact that my job and my family do not leave me much time for "extra activities", the tab mentioned may appear only at the end of the year.

Preparation of a model gallery includes not only photo processing, but also collecting interesting information about the original vehicle or vessel. Therefore, it will take a while to place in the gallery all the models photographed at the Lublin Model Making Meetings. You are welcome to visit the website regularly.

October 2015

Plastic modeling-making in Bytom

In mid-March I visited the 12th International Festival of Plastic Reduction Models in Bytom, which was very popular among modellers and visitors. The number of models on display and the high level of workmanship of most of them was impressing. As usual, the majority of models were aircraft and tank models. Compared to the previous year, the number of railway models has increased. It is a pity that they were displayed in showcases, which made photographing impossible. However, I missed plastic models of sailing ships, maybe because I like this type of model-making.

During my stay at the Bytom Festival, I took photos of about 50 models. Thanks to the good will of the organizers, I had an opportunity to photograph freely, so I have material to create many interesting galleries showing the details of model construction. You are welcome to visit my website regularly. There should be one or two galleries every week. Unfortunately, the lack of time does not allow me to do it faster.

March 2015

Online model exhibition

The idea to create this gallery arose while viewing photos of models on other available model sites. The time I wasted searching for photos, wading through blogs and descriptions allowed me to come up with an idea to collect many photos from the field of model-making in one place and making them available so that they would not be "cluttered" with text. I also sincerely hope that this type of exhibition will be able to inspire people who have not yet dared to make a model on their own . Model making is a hobby not only for children. The adventure with model-making can start at any age.

Division of the Model Gallery

The division of the Gallery into aviation, railway, plastic, paper and other model-making should make it easier to find photos for people interested in a specific field.

There is a table in the Paints tab that can help you select paints for your model. This table compares model paints of the following companies: Humbrol, Model Master, Vallejo, Gunze Sangyo, Tamiya and Revell. Maybe there will appear other companies in the future.

June 2013





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